The Undebeatables - Episode 045: Half a Game Ball

The Pacers spent a long week on the road and learned Curry is terrifying, Green means go, Isaiah Thomas is short, and Lance hates nap time. Meanwhile, the Undebeatables served up a packed show, including a Yinka Dare Cup update, Joey's Stat, Mailbag!, and All-Star reserves. Plus, T-Shirts!

Halftime: This World Is Mine by L.I.F.E. the Legend

Links for Episode 45

  1. KBC Porter
  2. Bell's Smitten Golden Rye
  3. Inversion IPA
  4. Basketball Reference Forecast
  5. NBA Pace
  6. All-Star Starters
  7. Pierre Scares Children
  8. Undebeatable T-Shirts