Nash's Photo Shoot
/Okay. So, Steve, we're going to do a photo shoot. Just relax. First, just smile. Just like any old photo. Give me a big ol' toothy grin. Yeah, okay. Less gassy, more happy. Okay. Not sure there. Next we'd like to try a focused, determined look. Sure. Go with that. Think precision, think winning. Okay, that's not quite it. Let's get angry. Imagine completing a perfect pass to nick young and he blows the layup for the 50th time. Okay, that's too angry. Here, here's a basketball. That might help your comfort level. Dribble around a little. Good, yeah. Now hold the ball up. Give me confident. Give me sexy. Make love to the ball. Yes. Yes. Now hate it. Shun it. Reject it. Good. Now give me confused. Maybe confused with a hint of boredom and resentment. Give me a bit of, "I just sharted myself at the fair." Now hold the basketball like you've never seen one before. K, now quickly give me malfunctioning robot. Yes. Got it. That's the one. Great job, Steve. Really a pleasure to work with, you're a natural.